I took the girls (Sophie and Esther) to the doctor today (for their well visits--I know, I'm a little late!) Sophie has been so unpredictable lately (a real powder-keg: fine one minute and lashing out the next) so I wasn't looking forward to the whole doctor experience. When I had scheduled the appointments (almost 3 weeks ago) I planned on sending Jeremy with the girls so he could deal with it but he went and got sick (he has strep) so that left me to handle any outburst from Sophie (and I just knew there would be at least one!) Sophie must have known that I was worried about how she would act because she was on her best behavior for the whole appointment! She was really a little angel...she talked to the doctor and let him examine her...without complaint (which is the important part!) and she handled the shots like a champ! I was REALLY surprised. She just sat there and let the nurse give her the shots...she didn't cry, didn't flinch, I think she may have even smiled at the nurse! She had been wanting a band-aide (they checked Esther's iron at the beginning of the appointment so Esther had a band-aide on her toe and finger and Sophie kept asking for one. I told her "You'll get a band-aide...your not going to like it BUT you'll get a band-aide soon") I don't know if that is why she sat there or if we were just having a really good Sophie moment but it was nothing like I had imagined! Now Esther on the other hand...she passed out when they gave her her shots! She's done it a couple of times before. When she's in a lot of pain she will hold her breath and then she will just go all limp...it's kinda scary! She started holding her breath as soon as the nurse gave her the first shot (she had to have 4...poor baby!) The nurse kept saying "Come on baby breath" but Esther waited until the nurse was all done with the shots then she took a deep breath and her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out! I immediately shook her and said "Esther!" then she opened her eyes and started crying again! The nurse was really concerned she kept asking if Esther was ok and telling me that she has never had anyone do that before. Since I have experienced it with Esther before I wasn't as concerned...I still hate it when she does it...I hope she grow out of it soon!
{side note: I think Esther is going to overtake Sophie soon with her weight. At this appointment Sophie weighed 28 lbs and Esther weighed 24 lbs!}