I thought I would share a little about what we have been up to lately. Jeremy is working hard trying to make the real estate market work for us--it is a little shaky these days, but we are hanging in there and hopefully things will turn around soon. Jeremy is currently going to school to get his brokers license. He is also running for the state legislature (I never knew I married a politician but the republican party called him and said they needed a good man to run in downtown and I couldn't think of anyone better!) So between work, politics, his church calling, and us Jeremy has more than a full plate to deal with-I am so thankful for all his hard work.
I am busy being a mom (I think that says it all!) I have 4 of the cutest little girls that I get the privilege of taking care of!

Hannah is busy finishing up kindergarten. She loves school and has become quite the little reader. She loves to learn and takes every opportunity to ask us how things work, why things are the way they are, and anything else she can think of (some times it makes my brain hurt!)She loves to draw, dance, draw, sing, draw, and did I mention draw? She tells us when she grows up she wants to be an illustrator (or a jungle explorer.) She is a great big sister and is always willing to help. She is in girl scouts (she is a daisy) and has a lot of fun at her meetings. She is very compassionate and concerned for others (she has the biggest heart of any 5 (almost 6) year old that I know!)

Wynnie is 4 and she is always making us smile. I told Jeremy since we don't have any sons Wynnie is stepping up to the role. She loves superman, burping, farting (the other day she was chasing Hannah-who is a complete girly girl-around and she would tackle her sit on her and fart. She must be learning this behavior from her dad.) But she also loves being a girl. She loves to help take care of Esther. She loves to dance and sing, she loves playing with her "High School Musical Star" dolls. She has a terrific imagination (if I could just be in her head for one day I don't think I would stop smiling!) She is also all about the drama-she is VERY theatrical. She might just be our little actress.

Sophie is almost 20 months and she is trying hard to keep up with her big sisters. She is Wynnie's little shadow. If Wynnie is doing something (it doesn't matter what) Sophie is not far behind trying to copy her every move! She is a very happy kid and very good natured (as long as we keep her fed and give her her naps.) She still isn't talking much (at least not English) but she has her own little vocabulary and does a pretty good job of communicating (she knows some sign language, I have pick up on a couple of her "words" and she is good at pantomiming.) She is at the copying phase so if you are doing something you can look over and Sophie will be trying to mimic your every move-it is VERY cute!

Esther is just as cute as a baby can be! She is growing WAY to fast! She is almost 4 months old (I can hardly believe it has already been that long!) She is starting to smile and giggle (mostly at her Dad-it seems he can always get her to laugh!) She loves to watch her sisters play and I know it won't be too long before she is running around the house with them!
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