Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bye Bye Tonsils! (and Adenoids)

Today was the big day...Wynnie got her tonsils out. We arrived at the surgical center around 9:00 am. Once they took her back I think Jeremy and I waited a total of maybe 10 min in the waiting room and then the nurse came and got us and told us they were done (that's like $300 a min!)
The doctor told us that the surgery went well and that Wynnie had some of the biggest tonsils he had seen (the biggest by far for that day!) With Hannah's surgery they kept the tonsils in a cup and gave them to us, but we didn't even get to see Wynnie's. I guess now they just get rid of them during the surgery. I know some will think it is gross but I think it is interesting to see them...especially since our girls have such big tonsils you look at them and think "How did these even fit in your throat?" The doctor just made a circle with his thumb and first finger and told us they were this big...he seemed impressed.

They then took us to Wynnie's recovery nook (she didn't have her own room it was just a big room with different areas sectioned off for each patient.) There was another girl (about Wynnie's age) on the other side of the room and she was screaming her head off (for about 1/2 hour we had to listen to her screaming for them to take the IV out--I think you can hear her in one of the videos.) Once Wynnie woke up she was a champ!

She recovered really well (she ate 4 Popsicles--one of every color they had-- and probably would have eaten more but it was time for us to go!) They gave her a barf bag for the ride home. I showed her what to do with it and she promptly stuck it to her face and left it there for the whole ride home. She kept telling me (every min or so) "Mom, I didn't throw up yet....Mom, I didn't throw up yet..." Once we got to my mom's (to pick up the girls) I carried Wynnie in and she told me she didn't feel well so we headed to the bathroom and just in case you were wondering one purple, one blue, one orange, and one green Popsicle when mixed together turn brown.

After that she did fine and is just resting now! I'm sure she will be back to her normal self soon (they say kids recover really quickly!)

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