Grandma Nancy came to visit today and she brought a bug collection for the girls. To say they love it would be a huge understatement! Aunt Mitzi helped her collect all the bugs and they put them in a cute box for the girls--these are definitely TEXAS sized bugs! The funny thing is Hannah, our princess girly girl, who absolutely HATES bugs when they are alive (she screams and runs away from ants and box elder bugs) wouldn't put the bug collection down! She carried it everywhere and wanted to show it to everyone. When I put her to bed tonight she said "Mom, where's my bugs? I need to say good night to them." And Wynnie, our SUPERman, who is a little more accepting of bugs when they are alive--she will at least come kind-of close to look at them--liked the bugs but didn't want to get to close to them! We spent a good part of last night outside turning over rocks in the flower garden looking for bugs to add to the collection (unfortunately it hasn't been quite warm enough and we weren't able to find any--but I'm sure that "Bug Collecting" is going to be a popular activity for us this summer!)

1 comment:
gross!! but way cute that she brought all the way out here for them!
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