The girls spent all afternoon "making" us a picnic in their toy room. They invited us up for a Father's (and Mother's, so you can come too mom) party. We all put on our fancy hats and had a good time eating plastic cake and cookies! The girls are so cute! They LOVE their dad! And he is so great with them--I'm glad we have so many smiles and giggles in our home!

Jeremy is such a good dad. It takes a special man to be the father of so many girls (I've been told that by more than one person--and it is so true!) You can tell the girls mean the world to him--the way his eyes sparkle when he talks about them (as any proud fathers should.) The way he explains things to them and answers their never ending questions about anything from bugs, to how does an airplane fly, to why does it rain and every thing in between! I'm glad they have him in their lives, he is a great example to them of what a man should be! I'm glad that he is mine and I'm grateful that they get to call him dad!

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