Saturday, August 30, 2008

Glad we're on a Health Savings Plan!

We switched to a Health Savings Plan back in spring. On our old insurance our premiums each month were going up to over $1,000 so we switched but it means that now we pay everything out of pocket until we reach our $5,000 deductible. Normally this would work out fine for us and not be a big deal, normally we are a pretty healthy family, normally...I guess there is nothing normal about us!
This summer has been a summer of unexpected doctor visits and today we add another to the list! When we were at my grandmas cleaning up Wynnie was headed inside when she fell and sliced her hand on the screen door. The cut was pretty deep and on the crease of her hand so I knew it would have a hard time healing on its it was off to the doctors office and 3 stitches (and 3 lolly pops--one for each stitch) later Wynnie was back to having a smile on her face!

While we were at the doctors office Wynnie was having a hard time. She doesn't like to be in pain and she doesn't like needles (she gets that from her dad.) I was stroking her hair and trying to calm her down when they were putting in the stitches and we had this conversation:

Me: Wynnie I am so proud of you! You are being so brave!

Wynnie: I'm not brave at all, Mom...I'm crying

Me: Even brave people cry sometimes

Wynnie: Yeah, but I'm crying A LOT!

Me: Sometimes even brave people cry A LOT! (Like when they get the doctors bill for stitches!)

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