Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Believe I can FLY!

And with a great sister and brother-in-law it actually happened (in a controlled sort of way!) Yesterday Mechelle and Aaron took some of our friends (Paul and Jessie) to the I Fly for Paul's birthday (there is an on-going "top that" for their birthdays between them and the last one was a FAB Neil Diamond birthday so Mech and Aaron decided the only way to top it was to go sky diving--for pretend--but real.) Anyway, they know I have always wanted to go but couldn't afford it so they told me to just come and "watch" them and then they ended up making me go...I'm glad they did...I feel bad about the money--I will pay you back...some day :) but it was SOOOO much fun! The kids all came and watched and now Hannah and Wynnie want to go, and the crazy thing is they really could (if we had the cash) anyone 3 or older can do it!

Here's the girls! They had fun watching (and trying on the equipment!) Hannah was pretending she was "flying!"

Here we are getting ready...making sure we have all the important safety equipment (basically shoes that won't fly off and hit us in the head, helmets (in case one of our shoes does fly off), and ear plugs (because it was LOUD!)

Here we are...all decked out...ready to fly! (Mechelle told me to look scared...that's why I look like a dork)

Here we are receiving our final instructions ("Remember you all signed the waiver...if you die it's not our fault!")

Here's Paul:

Here's Jessie:

Here's Aaron:

Here's Mechelle:

Here I am:

OK, so if you look close the wind does some pretty funny things to your was REALLY strong...I mean, it has to be able to lift us off the ground...but despite my lips and cheeks flapping around I couldn't keep a smile off my face! It was SO much fun!

This is what your hair will look like after your done...I guess if your like me...nobody elses hair did this but my advice would still be to wear a bandanna so your not combing knots out of your hair for the next two days!


Your checks in the mail :)

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