Wow, wow, wow and wow...did I mention WOW!!! This is a cool place! Our cousins Jen and Kelly had some extra tickets so they invited us to go with them and it was SOOOOO fun! The kids really loved it...there was so much for them to do.
We started out upstairs outside where they had a life flight helicopter and the kids could pretend to be pilots, nurses, or dispatch.

Then inside they got to be newscasters, weathermen, radio announcers, and they had a whole exhibit about inventions--tons of stuff to do!

We spent most of the time on the main level where they had a whole little town set up: the farm, the store, the house, a construction site...they had it all! The kids really loved playing with all the stuff and I thought it was really amazing (made me wish I was little again!)

They also had this fun contraption that the kids could play with--they had different sections and you would put plastic balls into the contraption and then you could send them to different areas--the kids thought it was really cool!

This is how you can tell the kids played HARD and had a GOOD time:

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