Oh wait how did that get in here :) At least we didn't see any "bears" on our trip!)
When we stopped to get my dad the sun was just coming up and this is what we saw:

It was beautiful when we got to the lake! The kids were excited to get on the boat. We threw on their life jackets and headed to have breakfast (banana muffins) on the boat!

There wasn't much wind when we were out but when we did catch some wind and got to actually "sail" it was fun! It was nice just to be out on the boat...real peaceful (except for the darn brine flies...we would hit pockets of them and they would be everywhere: up your nose, in your ears, and I'm sure I ate some! YUCK!) It would have been real nice if we weren't on the GSL and could have actually played in the water, but I didn't dare...something about all that salt (and the smell)...I couldn't bring myself to get in the water! The kids had a great time!

After sailing we went to a picnic area and had lunch. There was a ramp that went down to where the shore was supposed to be but of course it wasn't and we didn't want to walk all the way to the lake (we had after all just been on the lake sailing) so the kids just played in the sand and on the ramp and of course Wynnie fell and scraped up her face and knee. The funny thing was at the same time Jeremy and Hannah said that the walkway was like a cheese grater and Wynnie just grated up her face (I don't think Wynnie thought it was too funny but you can tell Jeremy and Hannah are related!)

After that we drove around and looked for animals. We were able to find an antelope and buffalo (the buffalo were even so nice as to pose by the sign telling all about the buffalos on antelope island!)

As we were leaving the island we noticed that the wind had picked up so we hurried to the boat in hopes of getting some good sailing in. Once we were out on the water the wind started really picking up (mechelle and I were down below with the kids, but could hear Aaron yelling out orders--with a little panic in his voice.) Needless to say we made it through the scary wind and hurried back to the dock (I think we'll get a little more "sailing" under our belt before we try the strong winds again!)

Despite the injury and lack of wind at the beginning and too much wind at the end we had a fun time sailing and hope to go out a lot this summer!

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