It's Pioneer Week!!--YEE-HAW! In celebration of Pioneer Day local businesses and artists created life size "horse art" that are being displayed in downtown. Tonight we took the girls for a walk to see all the horses (there are currently 24 horses--for the 24th--and then they will be adding 51 more for next year--the 75th anniversary.) It was a fun time (although we did underestimate the time it would take to walk there and back--we left our house at 7 and didn't get back until after 9-- and the kids were pretty tired when we got home.) But we had a great time! The girls are so fun. They loved finding the horses. Hannah would read the information about each horse and Sophie just loved them--she would hug them and give them kisses! There's some pretty amazing art work and it was just fun to be out in downtown.
Here's some pics of the horses:

I love it when these two are getting along! They just started holding hands as we were walking down there...SO cute! I hope they grow up to be great friends (as only sisters can!)

Here we are playing in the water down by the ampi-theater

Here's Sophie, she was being SO cute with the horses she would run up to them and pet them give them hugs and kisses. She would have to wave and tell each one of them bye!

Here we are looking at more horses. They had such detail...even the tails were painted (there is a picture of rock climbers on one and one tail was painted like FrontRunner!)

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