As you can tell from the pics we had a great time! When we first got there it was REALLY hot! Mom finally had to go sit at the park in the shade because she was too hot. After about an hour it cooled down a little and she got to come back. We all had a great time...Sophie especially enjoyed it she clapped and clapped and she could not get enough of the horses (which she calls "rodeos.") It was wonderful to see all the support for breast cancer research and awareness. And it was more than wonderful to have my mom there! I'm glad she could make it, even though it was a little tough on her (she is defiantly Tough Enough!) She still hasn't got her strength all back but it is nice to know she is done with the chemo and can start getting her strength and immune system back! The rodeo has always been a fun family tradition and now it will be great to continue the tradition with the "Tough Enough" rodeo in tribute of mom!
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